Non-degradable plastic shopping bags

Non-degradable plastic shopping bags
Law enforcement officers found in a fruit shop, the so-called "green bag", this fruit store used from Yingkou Yongsheng Degradable Plastics Co., logo on the bag is "02", is not really a biodegradable plastic shopping bags.
Recently, the provincial Trade and Industry Bureau of the Joint Provincial Development and Industry Bureau law enforcement officers raided some large fruit shop, farmers market, supermarket chains and chain pharmacies and found that only large supermarket chains in accordance with the provisions of the use of biodegradable disposable plastic shopping bags, still Some businesses use illegal presence of non-degradable plastic shopping garbage bags and disposable non-degradable plastic tray.
Siping City of Industry, law enforcement officers first came to the Lyceum market, at a booth selling raw pork found that even roll bag stall are using non-degradable plastic bags. In another booth is used by the Dalian Economic and Technological Development Zone Peng plastics factory production of environment identified as "02" non-degradable plastic bags.
In a large supermarket chain, has entrances and exits clear position "Tips", advised consumers to bring their own green bag. Pocket supermarket belong biodegradable plastic bags, and the production of the biodegradable plastic products manufacturers have been filed. "Are provided free of charge to the consumer." Supermarket person in charge.
During the interview, the supermarket staff also wishes to make recommendations to the biodegradable plastic products manufacturer. "Biodegradable plastic shopping garbage bags we use now are in the bag punch handle portion, a bag of reduced load-bearing capacity, the bag easily damaged, it is recommended that manufacturers can re-set the punch position." 

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